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Porcupine Body Condition L1



Project Title:  Porcupine Caribou Level 1 body condition sample collection
 This project will conduct a body condition sample collection from the Porcupine Caribou Herd. The methodology will use the Level 1 sampling protocols from the CARMA body condition manual. The sampling collection will be done by soliciting participation from any hunter who hunts between September 2008 and March 2009. Pre-printed shipping tags will be distributed to interested hunter prior to their hunt. Hunters will be asked to fill out the tags from each caribou killed and collect and submit the specified samples for analysis.




This project will provide data to be used in assessing the status of the herd as directed in the draft Harvest Management Plan being developed under the direction of the Porcupine Caribou Management Board.




Dorothy Cooley
Govt of Yukon
Box 600 Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0
Dorothy.cooley 'at'


Marsha Branigan
Govt. of NWT
Bag Service 1 Inuvik, NWT, X0E 0T0
Marsha_branigan 'at'


Susan Kutz
University of Calgary
3330 Hospital Dr. NW
skutz 'at'