Project Title: Porcupine Caribou Level 3 body condition sample collection
The project will conduct a Level 3 Body Condition and disease sample collection from the Porcupine Caribou Herd in 2008/09. This method is an intensive sampling protocol that records a wide range of indicators of caribou condition such as fatness, diseases and parasites. In 2 sampling session biologist will accompany hunters during their hunts and hunters will be trained in the sample collection techniques. The project will be conducted in the fall and spring seasons, concurrent with similar collections on the Bathurst Caribou Herd and thus will allow comparison between these two herds and will compliment the Level 1 collections
The Porcupine Caribou Herd is a CARMA reference herd. This level of data collection will provide important body condition and disease information that can be compared to other CARMA reference herds.
Dorothy Cooley
Govt of Yukon
Box 600 Dawson City, Yukon Y0B 1G0
Dorothy.cooley 'at'
Marsha Branigan
Govt. of NWT
Bag Service 1 Inuvik, NWT, X0E 0T0
Marsha_branigan 'at'
Susan Kutz
University of Calgary
3330 Hospital Dr. NW
skutz 'at'