Document  Description
vancouver2006_01.ppt  Carma a quick overview 
vancouver2006_02.ppt  Carma activities over the past year
vancouver2006_03.ppt  International Polar Year Project #162 - Starting the clock for the CARMA Network:          Impacts on human/Rangifer systems in the CircumArctic
vancouver2006_05.ppt  Coordinated monitoring of Rangifer health and body condition
vancouver2006_06.ppt  Data management pilot project
vancouver2006_07.ppt  Satellite retrieval of snow cover properties in northern Canada
vancouver2006_08.ppt  Assessing the impacts of climate change on caribou habitats in North America using remote sensing data
vancouver2006_09.ppt  Linking caribou and climate
vancouver2006_10.ppt  Come judgement day