Carma 9 - Whitehorse - March 2018
Montreal IPY 2012 - April 2012
CARMA-7 Vancouver 30 Nov - 2 Dec. 2010
CARMA's seventh annual gathering was held in Vancouver November 30th to December 2, 2010. Following is the pre-conference description:
"As is typical at these events the CARMA Steering Committee has identified a focus for the meeting. We will be looking closer at all the products, tools and resources that CARMA has developed over the last 6 years. We will be asked to collectively discuss how these tools can be better used, how they can be improved and how they can be accessed. For example CARMA has contributed to the development of a model on the protein and energy relations of caribou. We can see many applications for the model - at the finer scale how does the model help us understand the fat and protein cycles of individual herds, how do different herds compare and can we identify energetic bottlenecks. At the larger scale how do we use the model to look at impacts of climate change and how do we better assess the cumulative impacts of development on caribou herds."
Click here for the conference agenda, posters and presentations.
The CARMA Network at the 13th North American Caribou Workshop - Oct 25-28, 2010
CARMA was well represented at the 13th North American Caribou Workshop held in Winnipeg,
Otober 25-28, 2010. The meeting was the largest so far with 420 registered participants.
CARMA organized 2 sessions and presented 10 papers
The CARMA network: working towards a better understanding of migratory tundra reindeer and
caribou - D.E. Russell
Heterogeneity in habitat trends among circumpolar caribou and reindeer herds - B. Griffith
Ramping up body condition scores and indices to estimate the whole animal body condition using
CARMA protocols - R. White
Monitoring caribou (rangifer tarandus) health: the Circum-arctic Rangifer Monitoring and
Assessment Network experience - J. Ducroq
Fidelity of migratory tundra caribou to traditional calving grounds: a narrow orthodoxy or a robust
hypothesis? - A. Gunn
Towards adaptive co-management? Lessons from regional comparisons and international
cooperation - G. Kofinas
Modeling as an integrative tool in CARMA's circumpolar assessment of migratory tundra Rangifer -
D.E. Russell
Are warbles & bots connected to pregnant pauses?: fertility in west Greenland -
C. Cuyler
Epidemiology of Besnoitia tarandi in circum-arctic barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus)
- J. Ducrocq
CARMA goes south: working towards a woodland caribou network - F.K.A. Schmiegelow
Little known fact: The word "CARMA" appeared 27 times in the 13th North
American Caribou Workshop program!
International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference . Oslo, Norway . June 8-10, 2010
Why: "The IPY Oslo Science Conference will demonstrate, strengthen, and extend the International Polar Year's accomplishments in science and outreach". Website:
CARMA Participation:
Susan Kutz et al - Integrated scientific and community-based tools and strategies for understanding infectious disease in arctic wildlife
Susan Kutz et al - Caribou health and Climate Change: a snapshot in time for infectious diseases
Andy Dobson et al - A tale of two parasites: Modeling dynamics of parasitic diseases in caribou and reindeer
Robert White et al - Modeling Energy and Protein Costs of Parasites in Caribou and Reindeer
Robert White et al - Involvement of the CARMA (CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment) Network in analysis, synthesis and management of Arctic caribou and reindeer populations
Gary Kofinas et al - Responses to Change in Caribou/Wild Reindeer Abundance: An Assessment of Human-Rangifer System Resilience from Regional Comparisons
Ryan Brook et al - Tools and Collaborative Approaches to Bridging the Communication Gap between Northern Communities and Scientists about Caribou Anatomy and Health
State of the Arctic Conference . Miami, Florida . March 16-19, 2010
Why: "The main goal of the conference is to review our understanding of the arctic system in a time of rapid environmental change." Website:
CARMA Participation:
Brad Griffith et al - Heterogeneity in Habitat Trends Among Circumpolar Caribou and Reindeer Herds
Don Russell et al - Modeling the Abundance of Rangifer: The Frame Size Model
Don Russell et al - What Drives Caribou Cycles?
Craig Nicolson et al - Modeling for Decision-Support: Identifying Thresholds and Reducing Uncertainty in the Harvest Management of Barren Ground Caribou
Gary Kofinas et al - Towards Adaptive Co-Management of Human-Caribou Systems: Lessons from Regional Comparisons and International Cooperation
Leonid Kolpashikov et al - Three Periods of Taimyr Management: Low, Subsidized, and Open Access Harvesting
13th North American Caribou Workshop.
Held Dec 4-6, 2009. Click Vancouver 2009 for documents related to the workshop (agenda, posters and powerpoints). This annual conference brought together CARMA network members from the circumpolar region, providing for the presentation of a variety of research, trends and status information. In addition to the steering committee, biologists, herd management board members and researchers attended the conference. Sessions included a joint planning session on herd management, poster presentations and development of a framework for a synthesis volume.
Click Vancouver 2008 Conference for documents related to the workshop.
Email: askcarma(at)