The 9th Annual CARMA conference "Caribou Recover in a Chaning Landscape" was held in Whitehorse from March 6-8, 2018.

The following documents represent the agenda, presentations, posters from this conference.


Document (click below to open) Description Presentor
Agenda  CARMA 9 - Agenda  Russell, D.
Presentation Introduction Russell, D.
Presentation Welcoming Remarks Laforest, B.
Presentation First Day Final Remarks Gunn, A.
Presentation Changing Landscapes-Climate  Russell, D., Gunn, A.
Presentation Changing Landscapes:Fire and Caribou Habitat Johnstone, J.


Rangifer Health and the Pathogen Landscape  Kutz, S.
Changing Landscapes: Foodscapes White, Parker, Spalinger

Taimyr Reindeer and Environmental Change: Monitoring Wild Reindeer Migration in Changing Natural and Social Environments

Petrov, Cooney, Francis, Pestereva, Kolpashchikov, Mikhailov, Meerdink 


Creating a virtual reality gaming interface to teach K-12 students the basics of Arctic ecosystem functioning and reindeer/caribou migration: Taimyr Peninsula ecosystems and Wild Reindeer as an example
Pestereva, A. 
Presentation Networks (Keeping an eye elsewhere) Gunn, A.

Norwegian wild reindeer:
understanding impacts in a busy landscape

Olav Strand, Manuella Panzacchi, Bram Van Moorter, Roy Andersen, Vegard Gundersen, AndersOlav Strand, Manuella Panzacchi, Bram Van Moorter, Roy Andersen, Vegard Gundersen, AndersMossing, Lena Romtveit; 

Changing landscape : Predation, humans and their activities

Plante, S.
Presentation The current state of the Wild Reindeer in Russia. General overview of the situation.  Mizin, I.
Presentation 4. Презентация CARMA (Taimyr Wild Reindeer Population:
Current State, Challenges and Conservation Options)

Kolpaschikov, L.,  Bondar, M.,   Mikhailov, V.


Tools and arenas for wild reindeer management  in a fragmented landscape -Norway´s experience

Singsaas M.
Presentation Barren-Ground Caribou Protection — What Makes Sense?  Setterington M.

Tools and Approaches for Managing Landscapes in an Uncertain World

 Daniel, C. & Gunn, A.
Presentation CARMA 9 - Talk to Action  
Poster Arctic Islands Reindeer Gunn, A.
Poster Conserving Large Landscapes:Conserving Large Landscapes:Science to Support Proactive Conservation Planning  
Poster Caribou contaminants Gamberg, M.
Poster Climate trends of North American migratory tundra herds Russell, D., Gunn, A.
Poster The Caribou Cumulative Effects Model Frid L.,Daniel C., Russell D., Gunn A., Clark C.
Poster Keeping track of caribou information Gunn, A., Russell, D.
Poster Taimyr Herd: Current status, challenges and solutions Kolpaschikov, L., Mikhailov, V.,  Bondar, M.
Poster The declining conservation status of Canada’s caribou

Gunn, A. (CARMA) and Ray, J. (WCS Canada)


Caribou, mitigation, and roads in practice

Jeff Tulugak and Jeff Hart (Kivalliq Inuit Association        ), Kim Poole (Aurora Wildlife Research         ) and Anne Gunn (CARMA         )

Poster  Developing a coordinatedmonitoring system across theNorthwest Boreal Region Spindler, M.
Poster From the avoidance of human disturbances to cumulative habitat loss for migratory caribou in Northern Quebec and Labrador Plante, S., Dussault C., Richard, J.