The 7th Annual CARMA conference was held in Vancouver, November 30 to December 2nd 2010.

The following documents represent the presentations, posters and breakout groups from this conference. Click here for the powerpoint summary.


Document  Description  

Agenda  CARMA 7 - Agenda  Russell, Don 
Breakout  Climate Data n/a 
Breakout  Hunter Video n/a 
Breakout  Voices n/a 
Breakout  Database n/a 
Breakout  Website n/a 
Breakout  Rangifer Anatomy n/a 
Breakout  Monitoring n/a 
Breakout  Modelling n/a 
Poster Ceruloplasminand Copper Status in Free-Ranging Alaskan Caribou (Rangifertarandus tarandus)    Beckmen, Kimberlee B. 
Poster Climatology of Mosquito Activity Within Summer Ranges of North Slope Caribou Herds in Alaska  Bali, A. 
Poster  A Simulation Method for Estimating Negative Bias in Caribou Photocensuses Parrett, Lincoln 
Poster  Arctic Adaptation? -Larval Inhibition in Ostertagiagruehneri Infections of Caribou Hoar, Bryanne  
Poster  Modeling Energy and Protein Costs of Parasites in Caribou and Reindeer White, Robert G. 
Poster  Circumpolar Wild Reindeer and Caribou Herds Gunn, A. 
Poster  Drivers of Pathogen Divergence: Investigating the West Greenland Caribou Herds Steele, Jillian 
Poster  Cervid Herpesvirus 2 is endemic in Alaskan caribou and reindeer Evans, Alina L. 
Poster  Blood on Filter Paper for Detecting Brucella in Caribou: Validation and Herd Investigation Curry, Pat  
Poster  Reindeer health assessment in Iceland 2012 Þórarinsdóttir, Rán   
Poster  The Serendipity worm (Nematoda; Protostrongylidae): A new parasite of caribou and other ungulates in high latitudes of North America Verocai, Guilherme G. 
Poster  Populations genetics of Rangifer: a circumpolar approach Yannic, GLenn 
Poster    Moving in the tundra: changes in selection and timing of use of summer habitat by migratory caribou Taillon, J. 
Poster  Can caribou control their resources? Simulating herbivory on a key summer food resource, the American dwarf birch Champagne, E. 
Poster  Effects of Body Condition and Population Size on Gestation Rate in a Migratory Caribou Herd Pachkowski, M. 
Poster  The role of harvest in the dynamics of the Taimr wild reindeer herd Kolpashikov, Leonid & Mikhailov 
Poster  Chukotka Wild Reindeer Herd Monitoring 2000-2010 Etylin, Vladimir 
Poster  Analyzing Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Taimyr Wild Reindeer Herd  Pestereva, Anna 
Poster  Simulating The Effect of Possible Future Changes in Vegetation on Arctic Caribou Energetics Lundmark, Caroline 
Poster  Body Morphology and Condition of Taimyr reindeers duing different seasons of the year Mikhailov 
Poster  Body condition and health indicators across herds Ducrocq, Julie 
Poster   Caribou_heaven_Project Mameakskum 
Poster  Population genetics of Rangifer: a circumpolar approach Cote, Steeve 
Poster Summary of 2010 Monitoring Russell, Don 
Presentation  Standardized Monitoring of Body Conditions White, Robert
Presentation  Climate database Russell, Don 
Presentation  2010 monitoring Russell, Don 
Presentation  Western Arctic Caribou Herd Ashfenfelter, Ray 
Presentation  Body Condition and Health Monitoring Kutz, Susan 
Presentation  Caribou Anatomy Summary Brook, Ryan 
Presentation  Modelling Climate Change and Cumulative Effects Daniel, Colin 
Presentation  Harvest and the Fortymile Caribou Herd Recovery Cooley, Dorothy 
Presentation  Managing Expectations: A Wek'èezhìi Renewable Resources Board Example Pellissey,Jody Snortland 
Presentation  Towards Adaptive Co-management of Caribou in North America? Kofinas, Gary 
Presentation  CARMA in Russia Yetylina, Olga
Presentation  CARMA, the Arctic Council and Beyond Gill, Mike 
Presentation  Break Out 4 - Building a Strategic Plan Gill, Mike 
Presentation  RANFIGER HEALTH Scientific and educational cooperation in reindeer health das Neves, Carlos 
Presentation  Web One Stop Shopping  Sylvestre, Ken 
Summary  Summary  Russell, Don