The following is a brief history that lead to the formation of CARMA. 


1998   The Arctic Council ministers directed CAFF to "identify elements of a program to monitor circumpolar biodiversity" and to "assess the effects of climate change on Arctic ecosystems".


1999   Roveniemi, Finland: a group funded by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) assembled to discuss the formation and elements of a circumpolar monitoring network for Rangifer.


2000   Iceland: CAFF group gathered to develop a framework for a circumpolar biodiversity monitoring program.              Rangifer confirmed as key indicator species and official Network endorsed.


2001   Minary, NH, USA: core group met and received general direction to formalize a Rangifer Monitoring Network.


2004   Vancouver, BC, Canada: Official launch of the CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment Network (CARMA).


2005   CARMA invited to become an official Network under the CAFF's Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program


CARMA has held annual gatherings since 2004


  • CARMA - 1  (2004)
    Agreement on mission statement
    Goal and objectives
  • CARMA - 2 (2005)
    Outline elements of project for International Polar Year
    Agreement on protocol development
  • CARMA - 3 (2006)
    Implementation plan for CARMA-IPY project in anticipation of funding
    Reference herd concept agreement
    Presentation of body condition manual
  • CARMA - 4 (2007)
    Review of existing data holdings and data gaps,
    Data management and data sharing policies
    Expansion of reference herd concept
    Demography manual tabled
    Introduction of some synthesis tools
  • CARMA - 5 (2008)
    Update on data management and website intiatives
    Developed ideas for continuation of CARMA after IPY funding ends
    Developed list of synthesis and decision support tools